To The Praise of His Glory

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The Truth about Adultery

ALL couples should listen to/read this; Christian couples can most relate, but all will benefit, pointing out the lies we tell ourselves.

"Husbands — If you start being critical of your wife’s physical flaws — that should be like the sound of a Tsunami warning siren in Hilo, Hawaii. That siren is telling you that you have a worship problem. You’re dishonoring your wife’s Creator. You’re saying that you would have made her better. (Again — this also speaks to the wife who is critical of her husband’s physical flaws — dishonoring her husband’s creator — saying that she would have made him better).

If you start being critical of your wife’s emotional flaws you have a worship problem. You impugn the sovereign plans and purposes of God. You see, when you feel that your life is inconvenienced by who your spouse is, you have a problem with God’s story for her life. If you have a problem with God’s story for her life, you have a problem with God’s story for your life. You don't see your marriage as the loving plan of the all-wise God to bring both of your stories together so that He might transform you for His glory. You begin to see your wife, not as God’s perfect provision for your emotional and sexual needs — you see her as an obstacle to the emotional and sexual intimacy you demand. And at that point you are in the market for a new cistern — a new well. You are primed to believe that another woman can save you and give you those desires that you have set up against the desires and plan of God for your life."

- R. Cimino, Metro Calvary Church